PART 13 - PART 13 - PART 13 - PART 13 - PART 13
320 over 100
319 over 100
- through -
311 over 100
310 over 100
3200 over 1000
3199 over 1000
- through -
3101 over 1000
3100 over 1000
32000 over 10000
31999 over 10000
31,416 - 10000
31001 over 10000
31000 over 10000
320000 over 100000
319999 over 100000
- through -
310001 over 100000
310000 over 100000
32000000 over 1000000
31999999 over 1000000
- through -
31000001 over 1000000
31000000 over 1000000
- The new branch of Mathematics: Asymmetrical Geometrics
- (a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of
inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes) that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances
of flat circles and round spheres to determine their fractional relationship to mathematical formulas. - (08.22.2023)
- "The correct mathematical solution for "PI"
would be *contained somewhere in A THREE *DIMENSIONAL GRID STRUCTURE, by using (over-lapping circles) that are being *placed on the "diagonal"
ON A GRID STRUCTURE that has a pattern of *circles that are lined up (side to side) and lined up (one on top of the other),
at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "diagonal" should reach a point IN THE GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
- Ctrl+F ... the "theory of equilateral distance", ...
- You can use the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" to determine the correct *fractional relationship between
the two dimensional structures that are contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- You can use the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" to *discover the new mathematical *formula for "Pi"
============= start of / archive text - 5:11 PM - 06/21/2013
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference) of a circle that is being over-lapped in a
geometric rate of expansion (in a grid system of circles that are the same size) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of expansion
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal", these are called
the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - one of (the over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizonal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the primary (grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
============= end of / archive text
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111)
- explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 6:01 PM - 1/5/2024
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *fraction of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:46 PM 2/16/2024
... (this section is "under construction")
- an "exponential algorithum" for the new "quantum computers" - 11.09.2024
- It was at 12:51 PM on November 3rd, 2024 that i came up with a plan to help someone (maybe "you") discover the new
mathematical formula for "Pi", ... my name is Roberto S. Jimenez, and i live in Jacksonville, Florida ...
- "i began thinking about (multiples of 100) and numerical representations", ...
- "sometimes our number system is based on (multiples of 100), like 100 percent of, like the whole thing", ...
- "i began thinking, if the "diameter" was based on a (multiple of 100), like 100 or 1000, or 10,000, or 100,000,
then maybe the "circumference" could be based on a (multiple of 100), like 100 percent of, or the whole thing", ...
- "i began to wonder, if these are the "numerical representations" that exist within our "mathematical universe",
maybe i could find the "spacial relationship" between the "diameter" and the "circumference" by using a (multiple of 100),
then i (or some-one else) would be able to discover the new mathematical formula for "Pi", ...
- "it would not matter which "variation of the divisor" was used as long as the "circumference" came out to a (multiple of 100),
the same (multiple) as the "diameter", ... / based on the "numerical representations" that exist within our "mathematical universe", ...
- nnnnnnnnnnnnn - copy of text / start of
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "it should be more like (the 31
divided by 10 method), because if you round "PI" up to 31,416 (a whole
number) for the *Circumference then that means that the *Diameter for that
same Circle would be 10,000
- nnnnnnnnnnnnn - end of // copy of text
- "so i decided to start at the beginning and work my way up "exponentially", ...
- "if the *Diameter was 100, then the "spacial equivalent" of the *Circumference would be located between 310 and 320 (chart provided), ...
- "however, some people would say that, if you are using different (multiples of 100), like 100 or 1000, or 10,000, or 100,000,
for the *Diameter, would that effect ...... ...... ...... ......, and i would say no, because that would be the "fractional equivalent", ...
- "regardless of which (multiple of 100) that was used for the *Diameter and which "variable of the divisor" was used
for the *Circumference, ...... ...... ...... ......, as long as they were both a (multiple of 100), ...
- "because those are the "numerical representations" that exist within our "mathematical universe", ...
- "there are not many "numerical representations" that exist between 310 and 320 (where the *Diameter was 100),
so i decided to start with a larger number for the the *Diameter, like 10,000, that way i could look for a "variable of the divisor"
that can be used to find the correct "fractional equivalent" that represents the correct *Circumference, which should be located
some-where between 31,000 and 32,000
- "so lets see, 100 times 100 would make 10,000"
- "and 100 times 310 would make 31,000"
- "the first number up is 311, i am gonna start finding *multiples of 311 between 31,000 and 32,000
/ once the ..... ..... ..... ..... exceeds 32,000, we will have to move on to the next number", ...
- "the last number up is 319, i am gonna start finding *multiples of 319 between 31,000 and 32,000
/ ..... ..... ..... ..... until that *multiple exceeds 32,000, THAT WILL BE THE LAST NUMBER AVAILABLE IN THAT NUMBER RANGE", ...
- "because i know that 100 times 320 would make 32,000"
- "what in the hell are looking for MR. MOTO?", ...
- "i am looking for any (multiple of 100)", ... / that would be contained within the "variable of the divisor" for the *Circumference,
- "well, what if the number that you find is not where it should be? (or) it is a strange number?, ...
- "that would not matter, / as long as it was a (multiple of 100),
/ that it was located between 31,000 and 32,000 (the target range to find the "variable of the divisor" for the *Circumference)
/ and it did not exceed 32,000
- Mr. Moto said, "theoretically, you would be searching through numbers until you arrived at 3,141,600
/ because that be the first number that you would arrive at that had a (multiple of 100), ...
- Mr. Moto then said, "but you are forgetting something", ...
- The math scholar said, "and what would that be Mr. Moto?", ...
- Mr. Moto said, "the numerical representation of 3.1416 for the *Circumference of "Pi" is a guess-timate,
the actual number for the *Circumference as it relates to mathematical formula for "Pi" is unknown", ...
- first draft - 2:28 PM 11/3/2024
- NOTE: "any multiple of 100" - "the first time you find it, you will be inclined to dis-regard it, don't,
re-check your "mathematical calulations" and you will find that you were the first person in the world to discover the new mathematical formula for "Pi", ...
... (this section is "under construction")
- "WHAT IF THAT DON'T WORK mr. moto?", ...
- "there are not many "numerical representations" that exist between 31,000 and 32,000 (where the *Diameter was 10,000),
so i am moving on to a larger number for the the *Diameter, like 100,000, that way i could look for a "variable of the divisor"
that can be used to find the correct "fractional equivalent" that represents the correct *Circumference, which should be located
some-where between 310,000 and 320,000
- "so lets see, 100 times 1000 would make 100,000"
- "and 100 times 3,100 would make 310,000"
- "the first number up is 3,101, i am gonna start finding *multiples of between 310,000 and 320,000
/ once the ..... ..... ..... ..... exceeds 320,000, we will have to move on to the next number", ...
- "the last number up is 3,199, i am gonna start finding *multiples of 3,199 between 310,000 and 320,000
/ ..... ..... ..... ..... until that *multiple exceeds 320,000, THAT WILL BE THE LAST NUMBER AVAILABLE IN THAT NUMBER RANGE", ...
- "because i know that 100 times 3,200 would make 320,000"
- 4:52 PM 11/10/2024 - More then likely, the "variable of the divisor" should end in a "2" or a "5"
// - so the numbers that you should try first are ... 3,102 ... 3,104 ... 3,106 ... 3,108 ...
// - so the numbers that you should try first are ... 3,105 ... 3,110 ... 3,115 ...
// - so the last numbers that you should try are ... 3,192 ... 3,194 ... 3,196 ... 3,198 ...
// - so the last numbers that you should try are ... 3,185 ... 3,190 ... 3,195 ...
- "what in the hell are looking for MR. MOTO?", ...
- "i am looking for any (multiple of 100)", ... / that would be contained within the "variable of the divisor" for the *Circumference,
- "well, what if the number that you find is not where it should be? (or) it is a strange number?, ...
- "that would not matter, / as long as it was a (multiple of 100),
/ that it was located between 31,000 and 32,000 (the target range to find the "variable of the divisor" for the *Circumference)
/ and it did not exceed 32,000
- Mr. Moto said, "theoretically, you would be searching through numbers until you arrived at 3,141,600
/ because that be the first number that you would arrive at that had a (multiple of 100), ...
- Mr. Moto then said, "but you are forgetting something", ...
- The math scholar said, "and what would that be Mr. Moto?", ...
- Mr. Moto said, "the numerical representation of 3.1416 for the *Circumference of "Pi" is a guess-timate,
the actual number for the *Circumference as it relates to mathematical formula for "Pi" is unknown", ...
- second draft - 4:15 PM 11/3/2024
- NOTE: "any multiple of 100" - "the first time you find it, you will be inclined to dis-regard it, don't,
re-check your "mathematical calulations" and you will find that you were the first person in the world to discover the new mathematical formula for "Pi", ...
PART 14 - PART 14 - PART 14 - PART 14 - PART 14
- 7:19 PM - 12/14/2023 - "DEGREE TABLES" that are based on THE PRIMARY NUMBERS (three or four will be needed)
- 7:19 PM - 12/14/2023 - to *facilitate this MATHEMATICAL PROCESS it will be nesscessary to make "DEGREE TABLES"
that will *provide for the creation of different MATHEMATICAL RATIOS such as 1/7th, 1/11th, 1/13th, 1/17th, 1/21th, etc
- 7:19 PM - 12/14/2023 - the circle that is divided into 360 *Degrees / THAT IS MENTIONED IN "PART 4" WILL ONLY
WORK FOR 1/4th, 1/6th, 1/9th, 1/18th "MATHEMATICAL RATIOS", OR OTHER *DIVISORS OF 360.
- Someone will have to *invent or *create THESE NEW "DEGREE TABLES" (compass) SO THAT THE "MATHEMATICAL RATIOS" that are
based on THE PRIMARY NUMBERS can easily be *transferred to the CIRCLES THAT ARE TO BE "OVER-LAPPED".
20 / 10
20 X 10 = 40
22 / 11
22 X 40 = AAA
26 / 13
26 X AAA = BBB
30 / 15
30 X BBB = CCC
34 / 17
34 X CCC = DDD
38 / 19
38 X DDD = EEE
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 10:52 AM 3/24/2024
/ The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi" by using (an "over-lap") that
is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference (of a circle) - (a *fraction or *portion of the *circumference of a circle)
that has been placed in a (*diagonal or *horizontal) grid system of circles that are the same size
/ The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - learn and use the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" to *discover the new mathematical formula for "Pi"
/ The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference) of a circle
that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that are the same size)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
/ explains how inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes) can be used to measure distance,
where although the *appearance of objects may change, the distance that they represent is the *same distance
/ The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - use the "theory of equilateral distance" to discover the difference between
the standard "Mathematical Fractions" (that have a *fractional value that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one)
and the "Geometric Fractions" (that have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one) - 7:31 PM - 1/2/2024
Theory Of Equilateral Distance
use the "theory of equilateral distance" to discover the mathematical *relationship
between a *fraction (a portion of) and a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle
BBBBBBB ... done
/ The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - explains how inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes) can be used to measure distance
/ The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi" by using (a circle "over-lap" system) that
is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference (of a circle) - (a *fraction or *portion of the *circumference of a circle)
that has been placed in a (*diagonal or *horizontal) grid system of circles that are the same size
Theory Of Equilateral Distance
use the "theory of equilateral distance" to discover the mathematical *relationship
between a *fraction (a portion of) and a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle
discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi" by using (an "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference (of a circle)
- (a *fraction or *portion of the *circumference of a circle) that has been placed in a (*diagonal or *horizontal) grid system of circles that are the same size
- with intent to use a geometric rate of contraction that may or may not be based on one of the numbers in the *primary number range
... such as 1/7th, 1/17th, 1/19th, etc
Theory Of Equilateral Distance
/ The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - explains how inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes) can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine their fractional relationship to mathematical formulas.
/ The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi" by using (over-lapping circles)
that are being *placed on the (*diagonal or *horizontal) in a grid system of circles that are the same size - at some point,
one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point (in the grid structure)
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (grid circles) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
// - definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference) of a circle that is being over-lapped in a
geometric rate of expansion (in a grid system of circles that are the same size) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of expansion
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal", these are called
the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - one of (the over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizonal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the primary (grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:11 PM - 06/21/2013
PART 15 - PART 15 - PART 15 - PART 15 - PART 15
- (9) -
- (Mathematics) - Roberto S. Jimenez is the person who put forth the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance"
- You can use the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" to determine the correct *fractional relationship between
the two dimensional structures that are contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- You can use the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" to *discover the new mathematical *formula for "Pi"
- (Mathematics) - Roberto S. Jimenez is the person who created the New Branch Of Mathematics; Asymmetrical Geometrics - (September 18th, 2015)
- definition - ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS (a-si-met-trik-cal
gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that
deals with the properties of inverse or opposing symmetrical and
asymmetrical shapes that can be used to measure the distance of flat
circles and round spheres and their relationship to mathematical formulas.
- (September 18th, 2015)
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
shapes (asymmetrical shapes) that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their relationship to mathematical formulas. - (December 5th, 2021)
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
shapes (asymmetrical shapes) that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to whole numbers. - (August 22nd, 2023)
============= start of / archive text - 5:11 PM - 06/21/2013
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference) of a circle that is being over-lapped in a
geometric rate of expansion (in a grid system of circles that are the same size) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of expansion
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal", these are called
the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - one of (the over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizonal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the primary (grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
============= end of / archive text
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 10:52 AM 3/24/2024
PART 16 - PART 16 - PART 16 - PART 16 - PART 16
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the *Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the
*Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects
may change, the distance that they represent is the *same distance, that is because the "diameters"
of the Circles that are used in this "mathematical formula" are the same
*length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that
you could use (asymmetrical geometrics) and the *understanding of this concept to *find the correct
mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: kkkk)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" and the
"Secret Of The Golden Spheres",
and although the *appearance of the half-circles that we used to measure distance have changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula" are the same *length and *distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: jjjj)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" and the
"Secret Of The Golden Spheres",
the theory stated that although the *appearance of objects or shapes that can be used to measure distance may change,
// that although the *appearance of the half-circles that were used to measure distance have changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula" are the same *length and *distance,
// (or a geometric method of contraction [an "over-lap"] that is based on a *fraction of the circumference can be used, such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc)
// it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi" - 1:10 PM 3/25/2024
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 10:52 AM 3/24/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 10:52 AM 3/24/2024 -- AAAA)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these "asymmetrical shapes" are based on a *fraction (of the circumference) of a circle, [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 666) - the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the grid structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
PART 17 - PART 17 - PART 17 - PART 17 - PART 17
- ON FILE DATED - 10:18 AM - 6/8/2023 -- PG. 00
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the *Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the
*Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects
may change, the distance that they represent is the *same distance, that is because the "diameters"
of the Circles that are used in this "mathematical formula" are the same
*length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that
you could use (asymmetrical geometrics) and the *understanding of this concept to *find the correct
mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: dddd)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" and the
"Secret Of The Golden Spheres",
where the *appearance of objects or circles that have been *placed in a grid system may change,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance, that is because all of the *circles have "Diameters" that are the same *length and *distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: cccc)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" and the
"Secret Of The Golden Spheres",
where the *appearance of objects or circles that have been being *placed on the (*diagonal or *horizontal)
in a grid system of circles that are the same size may change,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the *circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: bbbb)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, that is the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" and the
"Secret Of The Golden Spheres",
where although the *appearance of objects that are placed (in a grid system) may change, they represent the *same distance,
that is because all of the *circles that are used in this mathematical
formula have "Diameters" that are the same *length and *distance, it was your
father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: aaaa)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" and the
"Secret Of The Golden Spheres",
where although the *appearance of objects that are placed (in a grid system) may change, they span the *same distance,
that is because all of the *circles that are used in this mathematical
formula have "Diameters" that are the same *length and *distance, it was your
father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: 9999)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" and the "Secret Of The Golden Spheres",
and although the *appearance of objects that are used (in a grid system) may change, the distance that
they represent is the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of the *circles that are used in
this "mathematical formula" are the same *length and *distance, it was your
father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: 8888)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" and the
"Secret Of The Golden Spheres",
and although the *appearance of objects that are used (in a grid system) may change, the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
that is because the "diameters"
of each of the *circles used in this "mathematical formula" are the same
*length and *distance,
it was your
father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the
same distance, and that is the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" and the
"Secret Of The Golden Spheres",
although the *appearance of objects that are placed (in a grid system) may change, they represent or span the *same distance,
that is because each of the *circles that are used in this mathematical
formula have "Diameters" that are the same *length and *distance, it was your
father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
PART 18 - PART 18 - PART 18 - PART 18 - PART 18
- ON FILE DATED - 2:36 PM - 6/8/2023 -- PG. 00
- Polytechnus had said, "the *correct
distance around a circle is a *fraction that has a "value" that is larger
that the value of the number *one, and could be found by placing many
*perfectly matched balls to serve as the "DIAMETER" and by placing many
*perfectly matched balls to serve as the "CIRCUMFERENCE", and that each of
the *spheres or *balls that were to be used should have *same size
diameter, Polytechnus, your father told me that if you and the other Fates
*learned and *used the advanced theory of "Equilateral Distance" that one
day you "Three Fates" would be able to *discover the new mathematical
*formula for "Pi", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: cccc)
- Polytechnus had said, "a (geometric fraction) is a fraction that shows the correct *fractional relationship between
the two dimensional structures that are contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter), it has
a "fractional value" that is greater than the number *one and it can be found by placing many *perfectly matched balls
to serve as the "Diameter" and by placing many *perfectly matched balls to serve as the "Circumference", and that each
of the *spheres or *balls that were to be used should have *same size diameter, Polytechnus, your father told me that if
you and the other Fates *learned and *used the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" that one day (one of you Three Fates)
should be able to *discover the new mathematical *formula for "Pi", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: bbbb)
- Polytechnus had said, "a (geometric fraction) is a fraction that has a
greater value than the *fractional value of the number one ("1"), and could be found by placing
many *perfectly matched balls to serve as the "DIAMETER" and by placing many *perfectly matched
balls to serve as the "CIRCUMFERENCE", and that each of the *spheres or *balls that were to be
used should have *same size diameter, Polytechnus, your father told me that if you and the other
Fates *learned and *used the advanced "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" that one
day (one of you Three Fates) should be able to *discover the new mathematical *formula for "Pi", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: aaaa)
- Polytechnus had said, "a (geometric fraction) is a fraction that has a greater value than the *fractional value of the number one,
and could be found by placing many
*perfectly matched balls to serve as the "DIAMETER" and by placing many
*perfectly matched balls to serve as the "CIRCUMFERENCE", and that each of
the *spheres or *balls that were to be used should have *same size
diameter, Polytechnus, your father told me that if you and the other Fates
*learned and *used the advanced
"Theory Of Equilateral Distance" that one day (one of you Three Fates)
should be able to *discover the new mathematical *formula for "Pi", ...
- Polytechnus had said, "how many *perfectly matched balls would you have to *stack or *place
in the "Diameter" of a circle and how many *perfectly matched balls would you *stack or *place in the "Circumference" of
a circle to find a "geometric fraction" that has a greater value than the *fractional value of the number "one",
where each one of the *spheres or *balls that are used would have *same size diameter?,
Polytechnus, your father told me that if you and the other Fates *learned and *used the "Theory Of Equilateral Distance"
that one day (one of you Three Fates) should be able to *discover the new mathematical *formula for "Pi", ...
-- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
-- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
PART 19 - PART 19 - PART 19 - PART 19 - PART 19
- And the *text or *script upon the surface of
the stone appeared to be a set of *procedures or *instructions?, ...
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune removed her *reading glasses from a
small case, and putting them on, said, "o.k., i will read what it says
here, and you Three Fates can *follow along, all-right then, it says
here", ...
- "assemble and place *two of the balls on the ground
before you, and look closely to *determine the distance that is
represented", ...
- The Three Fates, and several groups of
Fairies that were *following along assembled and put together *two
spheres, then placed them on the *ground before them and *waited for the
goddess to continue, ...
- After some discussion by the Three
Fates, Fatima, the Goddess of Fate said, "i do not know if this is part of
the test, but we *believe the correct answer is "two", ...
- Erin,
the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, now the next thing i have
to tell you is very important, that the distance that is represented is
*exactly two, not more, not less, if you shall *ever forget that
"singular" concept, then the path or way forward will be *lost forever",
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune continued, "o.k., we are now
ready for the *next step, here it is", ...
- Erin said, "now
assemble and place *three balls on the ground before you, and place them
so that *six halves of the spheres are in a *row from left to right, then,
remove one-half of a sphere from one end and also remove one-half of a
sphere from the other end, there should be only four halves of *spheres
remaining and they should appear as one ball in the middle and the
remaining two halves of the *spheres facing out-ward", ...
- Erin,
the Goddess of Fortune said, "now, look closely at the *remaining spheres
and see if you can determine the distance", ..
- The "Three Fates"
could see that even though some parts of the *spheres had been removed,
the *remaining distance was "two", ...
- Destina, the Goddess of
Future said, "the *appearance or *structure of the spheres has changed,
but the distance is the same, we *believe the correct answer is "two", ...
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the half-circles (the asymmetrical shapes) that you used to measure the distance had changed,
the *distance that was represented by (the asymmetrical shapes) was the "same distance", that is because all of
the *circles that were used in this "mathematical formula" have diameters that are the same *length and *distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text
-- SHOULD BE THIS: -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said,
"where although the *appearance of half-circles that have been *placed (in a grid system of half-circles that are the same size) appear to be different,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance, in a future time it might be *discovered that, / a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle)
/ that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction / (a circle "over-lap" system)
/ an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ the (over-lap circles) should be *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles) that are lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of circles lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal", these are called the (primary grid circles),
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: -- eeee)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said,
"where although the *appearance of half-circles that have been *placed (in a grid system of half-circles that are the same size) appear to be different,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance, in a future time it might be *discovered that, / a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle)
/ that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that are the same size),
/ an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ the (over-lap circles) should be *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles) that are lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of circles lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal", these are called the (primary grid circles),
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: -- dddd)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said,
"where although the *appearance of half-circles that have been *placed (in a grid system of half-circles that are the same size) appear to be different,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle)
/ that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that are the same size),
/ an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ that are being *placed on the "horizontal" (in a grid system of *circles that are lined up (side to side)
/ (a circle "over-lap" system)
/ the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of circles lined up (side to side), these are called the (primary grid circles),
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: -- cccc)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
where although the *appearance of objects that have been *placed in a grid system may change,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
in a future time it might be *discovered that,
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle),
that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that are the same size),
an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
(a circle "over-lap" system),
at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
-- SHOULD BE THIS: -- bbbb)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
/ although the *appearance of objects that have been *placed in a grid system may change,
/ the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that
/ a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle)
/ that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that are the same size),
/ an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ (a circle "over-lap" system)
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi",
he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= finish of / archive text
- Polytechnus had said, "a Geometric Fraction is a fraction that has a
greater value than the *fractional value of the number one ("1"), and could be found by placing
many *perfectly matched balls to serve as the "DIAMETER" and by placing many *perfectly matched
balls to serve as the "CIRCUMFERENCE", and that each of the *spheres or *balls that were to be
used should have *same size diameter, Polytechnus, your father told me that if you and the other
Fates *learned and *used the advanced "Theory Of Equilateral Distance" that one
day (one of you Three Fates) should be able to *discover the new mathematical *formula for "Pi", ...
- It was then that Chronos, the God of Time
stepped forward and said, "i have a question, do you know the correct
solution to this *mathematical formula?", ...
- Erin, the Goddess
of Fortune said, "no, i could never figure out how many balls or spheres
were to be placed in the *diameter and the *circumference to determine the
"fractional" equivalent that represented the shape and form of a *perfect
circle, but, there was someone else *besides your father who had more
information on that *mathematical formula, and that *person had *tagged
along with your father (Polytechnus) on many of his travels and journeys
*aboard the star-ship "Primus" a long time ago, and i *believe that it was
right about that *time that your father *discovered the new mathematical
formula for *pi, and perhaps why the *star-drive on that ship began
working correctly", ...
- Destina, the goddess of Future stepped
forward to ask a question, but she *already knew the *answer, "and who
would that someone be?", ...
PART 20 - PART 20 - PART 20 - PART 20 - PART 20
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to mathematical formulas.
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111)
- explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 6:01 PM - 1/5/2024
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *fraction of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:46 PM 2/16/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of a circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of a circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of a circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi" - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024 ------------------
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a "Grid Structure" that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
PART 21 - PART 21 - PART 21 - PART 21 - PART 21
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to mathematical formulas.
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111)
- explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 6:01 PM - 1/5/2024
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *fraction of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:46 PM 2/16/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi" - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
PART 22 - PART 22 - PART 22 - PART 22 - PART 22
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to mathematical formulas.
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111)
- explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 6:01 PM - 1/5/2024
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *fraction of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:46 PM 2/16/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi" - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
PART 23 - PART 23 - PART 23 - PART 23 - PART 23
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to mathematical formulas.
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111)
- explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 6:01 PM - 1/5/2024
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *fraction of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:46 PM 2/16/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 88
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:08 PM 2/23/2024
*** - / select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi" - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
PART 24 - PART 24 - PART 24 - PART 24 - PART 24
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to mathematical formulas.
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111)
- explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 6:01 PM - 1/5/2024
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *fraction of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:46 PM 2/16/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 88
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:08 PM 2/23/2024
*** - / select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents Pi? - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
PART 25 - PART 25 - PART 25 - PART 25 - PART 25
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to mathematical formulas.
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111)
- explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of expansion (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of a circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 6:01 PM - 1/5/2024
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains how a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
of a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction (in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter)
can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side) on the "horizonal",
these are called the (primary grid circles)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *fraction of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the grid
structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:46 PM 2/16/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 88
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:08 PM 2/23/2024
*** - / select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 99
- "the (ratio or relationship) of the *Circumference of the circle to the *Diameter of the same circle
/ that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
/ can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
so that they will come out to a (different distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:26 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that they will *measure out to a (shorter distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 1:03 AM 3/2/2024
- / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes of the (over-lap circles) are based on a *fraction of (the circumference
of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of these *circles used in this formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 12:17 PM 3/2/2024
- / "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi" - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one (a fraction that has a *fractional value
that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one") // is *different from (is not the same thing as) // the "Geometric
Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round
sphere (because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
PART 26 - PART 26 - PART 26 - PART 26 - PART 26
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi", ...
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 10:52 AM 3/24/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 10:52 AM 3/24/2024 -- AAAA)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these "asymmetrical shapes" are based on a *fraction (of the circumference) of a circle, [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the grid structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi"
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:13 AM 3/26/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:13 AM 3/26/2024 -- BBBB)
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 88
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:08 PM 2/23/2024
*** - / select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 99
- "the (ratio or relationship) of the *Circumference of the circle to the *Diameter of the same circle
/ that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
/ can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
so that they will come out to a (different distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:26 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that they will *measure out to a (shorter distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 1:03 AM 3/2/2024
- / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes of the (over-lap circles) are based on a *fraction of (the circumference
of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of these *circles used in this formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 12:17 PM 3/2/2024
- / "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents Pi? - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one (a fraction that has a *fractional value
that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one") // is *different from (is not the same thing as) // the "Geometric
Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round
sphere (because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
============= Copy Of Text:
- /555/ - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point IN THE GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "WHAT IF THAT DON'T WORK?", ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "THEN WE WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER
(fractional proportion of the *circumference) // MAYBE WE TRY AN (OVER-LAP) THAT IS BASED ON 1/7th THE
*CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE, and so on and so forth, // OR PERHAPS WE CAN TRY (one
of the primary numbers?)", ...
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "have you made any progress in writing
THE *MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FORMULA FOR "PI" (that will be based on a two dimensional "structure"
like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere), ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife thought about this for many
long moments, then said, "no, i have not", Razielle then said, "I AM GOING
a "geometric fraction" that is contained within a "multi-dimensional"
structure like (a *flat circle) or (a *round sphere), ...
PART 27 - PART 27 - PART 27 - PART 27 - PART 27
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi", ...
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 10:52 AM 3/24/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 10:52 AM 3/24/2024 -- AAAA)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these "asymmetrical shapes" are based on a *fraction (of the circumference) of a circle, [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 666) - the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the grid structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi"
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:13 AM 3/26/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:13 AM 3/26/2024 -- BBBB)
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 88
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:08 PM 2/23/2024
*** - / select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 99
- "the (ratio or relationship) of the *Circumference of the circle to the *Diameter of the same circle
/ that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
/ can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
so that they will come out to a (different distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:26 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that they will *measure out to a (shorter distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 1:03 AM 3/2/2024
- / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes of the (over-lap circles) are based on a *fraction of (the circumference
of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 12:17 PM 3/2/2024
- / "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:24 PM 4/15/2024
- / select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents Pi? - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one (a fraction that has a *fractional value
that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one") // is *different from (is not the same thing as) // the "Geometric
Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round
sphere (because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
============= Copy Of Text:
- /555/ - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point IN THE GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "WHAT IF THAT DON'T WORK?", ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "THEN WE WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER
(fractional proportion of the *circumference) // MAYBE WE TRY AN (OVER-LAP) THAT IS BASED ON 1/7th THE
*CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE, and so on and so forth, // OR PERHAPS WE CAN TRY (one
of the primary numbers?)", ...
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "have you made any progress in writing
THE *MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FORMULA FOR "PI" (that will be based on a two dimensional "structure"
like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere), ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife thought about this for many
long moments, then said, "no, i have not", Razielle then said, "I AM GOING
a "geometric fraction" that is contained within a "multi-dimensional"
structure like (a *flat circle) or (a *round sphere), ...
PART 28 - PART 28 - PART 28 - PART 28 - PART 28
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi", ...
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 10:52 AM 3/24/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 10:52 AM 3/24/2024 -- AAAA)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these "asymmetrical shapes" are based on a *fraction (of the circumference) of a circle, [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 666) - the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the grid structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi".
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:13 AM 3/26/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:13 AM 3/26/2024 -- BBBB)
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
shapes (asymmetrical shapes) that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the number one. - (May 5th, 2024)
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being "over-lapped")
is based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
- 555) - one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:07 PM 6/13/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:07 PM 6/13/2024 -- CCCC)
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being "over-lapped") is based on a
(fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a "geometric rate of contraction"
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
- The new branch of mathematics: Asymmetrical Geometrics - (a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks)
- adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of
inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes)
that are based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference) of a circle which can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of *flat circles and *round spheres to determine their
(fractional relationship) to the mathematical formula of "Pi" - (June 16th, 2024)
- The new branch of mathematics: Asymmetrical Geometrics - (a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes)
that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances of
two dimensional "structures" like *flat circles or three dimensional "structures" like *round spheres
to determine their (fractional relationship) to whole numbers or to mathematical formulas. - (June 16th, 2024)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 88
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:08 PM 2/23/2024
*** - / select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 99
- "the (ratio or relationship) of the *Circumference of the circle to the *Diameter of the same circle
/ that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
/ can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
so that they will come out to a (different distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:26 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that they will *measure out to a (shorter distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 1:03 AM 3/2/2024
- / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes of the (over-lap circles) are based on a *fraction of (the circumference
of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 12:17 PM 3/2/2024
- / "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:24 PM 4/15/2024
- / select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance)
- (that is the *fraction that you are looking for) - 1:18 PM 5/26/2024
- / at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
- / edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance) - (that is the *fraction that you are looking for)
- COPY OF TEXT - / select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles
in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- "WHAT IF A 1/8th FRACTIONAL PROPORTION of the *circumference DON'T WORK mr. moto?", ..
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
and so on and so forth, MAYBE YOU CAN TRY (one of the primary numbers?)", ...
- "the (LINEAR DISTANCE) of (the *Diameter of a circle) has a direct (geometric relationship) to the (CIRCULAR DISTANCE)
of (the *Circumference of a circle) because the two dimensional structures that are contained with-in a flat circle
(the *circumference and the *diameter) are both (A PART OF THE SAME CIRCLE)" ... - Unquote
- "if you shall *ever forget that "singular" concept, then the path or way forward will be *lost forever", ... 5:05 PM 5/28/2024
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents Pi? - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Setting aside the numerical *relationship of a "geometric fraction" that is contained with-in a "dimensional structure"
(like a *flat circle or a *round sphere) to the number one ("1"), because it would not apply, why?, because only "mathematical fractions"
are based on the number one (or have a direct *relationship to the number one), they are "different" from the "geometrical fractions"
that are found in a two ("2") dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three ("3") dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere, ..
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one (a fraction that has a *fractional value
that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one") // is *different from (is not the same thing as) // the "Geometric
Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round
sphere (because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
============= Copy Of Text:
- /555/ - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point IN THE GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "WHAT IF THAT DON'T WORK?", ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "THEN WE WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER
(fractional proportion of the *circumference) // MAYBE WE TRY AN (OVER-LAP) THAT IS BASED ON 1/7th THE
*CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE, and so on and so forth, // OR PERHAPS WE CAN TRY (one
of the primary numbers?)", ...
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "have you made any progress in writing
THE *MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FORMULA FOR "PI" (that will be based on a two dimensional "structure"
like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere), ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife thought about this for many
long moments, then said, "no, i have not", Razielle then said, "I AM GOING
a "geometric fraction" that is contained within a "multi-dimensional"
structure like (a *flat circle) or (a *round sphere), ...
PART 29 - PART 29 - PART 29 - PART 29 - PART 29
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi", ...
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 10:52 AM 3/24/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 10:52 AM 3/24/2024 -- AAAA)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these "asymmetrical shapes" are based on a *fraction (of the circumference) of a circle, [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 666) - the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the grid structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi".
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:13 AM 3/26/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:13 AM 3/26/2024 -- BBBB)
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
shapes (asymmetrical shapes) that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the number one. - (May 5th, 2024)
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being "over-lapped")
is based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
- 555) - one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:07 PM 6/13/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:07 PM 6/13/2024 -- CCCC)
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being "over-lapped") is based on a
(fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a "geometric rate of contraction"
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
- definition - ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS (a-si-met-trik-cal
gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that
deals with the properties of inverse or opposing shapes (asymmetrical
shapes) that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances
of flat circles and round spheres to determine their fractional
relationship to the number one. - (May 5th, 2024)
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains
how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be
used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi" - 222) - the
geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being
"over-lapped") is based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of
the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the
circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc -
444) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of
*identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter) -
555) - one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up
(side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)] -
666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical)
shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)] - 777) -
at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that
is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid Structure"
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 4:48 PM 7/2/2024 -- DDDD)
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed
paralell to the (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid
Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid
circles) at the same over-all distance,
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that
is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid Structure"
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
- The new branch of mathematics: Asymmetrical Geometrics - (a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks)
- adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of
inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes)
that are based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference) of a circle which can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of *flat circles and *round spheres to determine their
(fractional relationship) to the mathematical formula of "Pi" - (June 16th, 2024)
- The new branch of mathematics: Asymmetrical Geometrics - (a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes)
that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances of
two dimensional "structures" like *flat circles or three dimensional "structures" like *round spheres
to determine their (fractional relationship) to whole numbers or to mathematical formulas. - (June 16th, 2024)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 88
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:08 PM 2/23/2024
*** - / select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 99
- "the (ratio or relationship) of the *Circumference of the circle to the *Diameter of the same circle
/ that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
/ can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
so that they will come out to a (different distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:26 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that they will *measure out to a (shorter distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 1:03 AM 3/2/2024
- / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes of the (over-lap circles) are based on a *fraction of (the circumference
of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 12:17 PM 3/2/2024
- / "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:24 PM 4/15/2024
- / select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance)
- (that is the *fraction that you are looking for) - 1:18 PM 5/26/2024
- / at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
- / edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance) - (that is the *fraction that you are looking for)
- COPY OF TEXT - / select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles
in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- "WHAT IF A 1/8th FRACTIONAL PROPORTION of the *circumference DON'T WORK mr. moto?", ..
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
and so on and so forth, MAYBE YOU CAN TRY (one of the primary numbers?)", ...
- "the (LINEAR DISTANCE) of (the *Diameter of a circle) has a direct (geometric relationship) to the (CIRCULAR DISTANCE)
of (the *Circumference of a circle) because the two dimensional structures that are contained with-in a flat circle
(the *circumference and the *diameter) are both (A PART OF THE SAME CIRCLE)" ... - Unquote
- "if you shall *ever forget that "singular" concept, then the path or way forward will be *lost forever", ... 5:05 PM 5/28/2024
- Why?, because the (Fractional Equivalent) would not be the same for the two "fractions" - /1/ - one of the fractions
is a standard "Mathematical Fraction" that is based on the number one (or has a direct *relationship to the number one), - /2/ - and the other fraction
is a "Geometric Fraction" that is based on the *circumference of a circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions),
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one
(a fraction that has a *fractional value that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one")
// is *different from (is not the same thing as) //
the "Geometric Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere
(because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents Pi? - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Setting aside the numerical *relationship of a "geometric fraction" that is contained with-in a "dimensional structure"
(like a *flat circle or a *round sphere) to the number one ("1"), because it would not apply, why?, because only "mathematical fractions"
are based on the number one (or have a direct *relationship to the number one), they are "different" from the "geometrical fractions"
that are found in a two ("2") dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three ("3") dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere, ..
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one (a fraction that has a *fractional value
that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one") // is *different from (is not the same thing as) // the "Geometric
Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round
sphere (because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
============= Copy Of Text:
- /555/ - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point IN THE GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "WHAT IF THAT DON'T WORK?", ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "THEN WE WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER
(fractional proportion of the *circumference) // MAYBE WE TRY AN (OVER-LAP) THAT IS BASED ON 1/7th THE
*CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE, and so on and so forth, // OR PERHAPS WE CAN TRY (one
of the primary numbers?)", ...
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "have you made any progress in writing
THE *MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FORMULA FOR "PI" (that will be based on a two dimensional "structure"
like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere), ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife thought about this for many
long moments, then said, "no, i have not", Razielle then said, "I AM GOING
a "geometric fraction" that is contained within a "multi-dimensional"
structure like (a *flat circle) or (a *round sphere), ...
PART 30 - PART 30 - PART 30 - PART 30 - PART 30
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi", ...
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 10:52 AM 3/24/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 10:52 AM 3/24/2024 -- AAAA)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these "asymmetrical shapes" are based on a *fraction (of the circumference) of a circle, [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 666) - the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the grid structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi".
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:13 AM 3/26/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:13 AM 3/26/2024 -- BBBB)
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
shapes (asymmetrical shapes) that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the number one. - (May 5th, 2024)
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being "over-lapped")
is based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
- 555) - one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:07 PM 6/13/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:07 PM 6/13/2024 -- CCCC)
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being "over-lapped") is based on a
(fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a "geometric rate of contraction"
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
- definition - ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS (a-si-met-trik-cal
gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that
deals with the properties of inverse or opposing shapes (asymmetrical
shapes) that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances
of flat circles and round spheres to determine their fractional
relationship to the number one. - (May 5th, 2024)
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains
how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be
used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi" - 222) - the
geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being
"over-lapped") is based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of
the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the
circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc -
444) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of
*identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter) -
555) - one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up
(side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)] -
666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical)
shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)] - 777) -
at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that
is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid Structure"
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 4:48 PM 7/2/2024 -- DDDD)
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed
paralell to the (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid
Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid
circles) at the same over-all distance,
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that
is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid Structure"
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
- definition - ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS (a-si-met-trik-cal
gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that
deals with the properties of inverse or opposing shapes (asymmetrical
shapes) that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances
of flat circles and round spheres to determine their fractional
relationship to the number one. - (May 5th, 2024)
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - a theory that explains the mathematical concept of how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being
"over-lapped") is based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of
the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the
circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of
*identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter)
- 555) - one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up
(side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical)
shapes that are being created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that
is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid Structure"
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance;
they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:49 AM 10/2/2024 -- EEEE)
- 111) - explains
how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be
used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 111) - a theory that explains the mathematical concept of how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be
used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical)
shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical)
shapes that are being created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- The new branch of mathematics: Asymmetrical Geometrics - (a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks)
- adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of
inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes)
that are based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference) of a circle which can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of *flat circles and *round spheres to determine their
(fractional relationship) to the mathematical formula of "Pi" - (June 16th, 2024)
- The new branch of mathematics: Asymmetrical Geometrics - (a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes)
that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances of
two dimensional "structures" like *flat circles or three dimensional "structures" like *round spheres
to determine their (fractional relationship) to whole numbers or to mathematical formulas. - (June 16th, 2024)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 88
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:08 PM 2/23/2024
*** - / select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 99
- "the (ratio or relationship) of the *Circumference of the circle to the *Diameter of the same circle
/ that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
/ can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
so that they will come out to a (different distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:26 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that they will *measure out to a (shorter distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 1:03 AM 3/2/2024
- / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes of the (over-lap circles) are based on a *fraction of (the circumference
of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 12:17 PM 3/2/2024
- / "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:24 PM 4/15/2024
- / select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance)
- (that is the *fraction that you are looking for) - 1:18 PM 5/26/2024
- / at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
- / edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance) - (that is the *fraction that you are looking for)
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
and the *Circumference of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 8:42 AM 10/2/2024
- FF - "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
- GG - "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
and the *Circumference of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
- FF / at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance)
- (that is the *fraction that you are looking for) - 1:18 PM 5/26/2024
- GG / at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 8:42 AM 10/2/2024
- COPY OF TEXT - / select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles
in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- "WHAT IF A 1/8th FRACTIONAL PROPORTION of the *circumference DON'T WORK mr. moto?", ..
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
and so on and so forth, MAYBE YOU CAN TRY (one of the primary numbers?)", ...
- "the (LINEAR DISTANCE) of (the *Diameter of a circle) has a direct (geometric relationship) to the (CIRCULAR DISTANCE)
of (the *Circumference of a circle) because the two dimensional structures that are contained with-in a flat circle
(the *circumference and the *diameter) are both (A PART OF THE SAME CIRCLE)" ... - Unquote
- "if you shall *ever forget that "singular" concept, then the path or way forward will be *lost forever", ... 5:05 PM 5/28/2024
- Why?, because the (Fractional Equivalent) would not be the same for the two "fractions" - /1/ - one of the fractions
is a standard "Mathematical Fraction" that is based on the number one (or has a direct *relationship to the number one), - /2/ - and the other fraction
is a "Geometric Fraction" that is based on the *circumference of a circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions),
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one
(a fraction that has a *fractional value that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one")
// is *different from (is not the same thing as) //
the "Geometric Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere
(because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents Pi? - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Setting aside the numerical *relationship of a "geometric fraction" that is contained with-in a "dimensional structure"
(like a *flat circle or a *round sphere) to the number one ("1"), because it would not apply, why?, because only "mathematical fractions"
are based on the number one (or have a direct *relationship to the number one), they are "different" from the "geometrical fractions"
that are found in a two ("2") dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three ("3") dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere, ..
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one (a fraction that has a *fractional value
that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one") // is *different from (is not the same thing as) // the "Geometric
Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round
sphere (because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
============= Copy Of Text:
- /555/ - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point IN THE GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "WHAT IF THAT DON'T WORK?", ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "THEN WE WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER
(fractional proportion of the *circumference) // MAYBE WE TRY AN (OVER-LAP) THAT IS BASED ON 1/7th THE
*CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE, and so on and so forth, // OR PERHAPS WE CAN TRY (one
of the primary numbers?)", ...
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "have you made any progress in writing
THE *MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FORMULA FOR "PI" (that will be based on a two dimensional "structure"
like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere), ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife thought about this for many
long moments, then said, "no, i have not", Razielle then said, "I AM GOING
a "geometric fraction" that is contained within a "multi-dimensional"
structure like (a *flat circle) or (a *round sphere), ...
PART 31 - PART 31 - PART 31 - PART 31 - PART 31
-- Mathematical Archive Text -- Second Edition / TJTTS -- 4:58 PM 1/17/2024 -- ffff)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "the
*identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that were placed (in a grid system of half-circles) have a *set measurement,
/ even when the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) had been *altered or had been *changed,
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance, / in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an ("over-lap circle") is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap
is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
- original text - Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is the *Secret
of Equilateral Distance and the *Secret of the Golden Spheres, where although the *appearance of objects may change,
they are the *same distance, that is because the "diameters" of each of the Circles used in this "mathematical formula"
are the same *length and *distance, it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me some-thing strange that i never quite understood", ...
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi", ...
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be rows of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 10:52 AM 3/24/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 10:52 AM 3/24/2024 -- AAAA)
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these "asymmetrical shapes" are based on a *fraction (of the circumference) of a circle, [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 666) - the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the grid structure where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles),
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
symmetrical (asymmetrical) shapes that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the mathematical formula of "Pi".
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a geometric rate of contraction
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:13 AM 3/26/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:13 AM 3/26/2024 -- BBBB)
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should be a row of full *circles that have been lined up (side to side) on the "horizontal" plane
[these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
(a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing
shapes (asymmetrical shapes) that can be used to measure the linear
(straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres to determine
their fractional relationship to the number one. - (May 5th, 2024)
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - explains how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being "over-lapped")
is based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on
a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
- 555) - one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference
[these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed paralell to the (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they
will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 9:07 PM 6/13/2024
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:07 PM 6/13/2024 -- CCCC)
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (the "over-lap") is based on a (fraction of the *circumference)
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being "over-lapped") is based on a
(fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 444) - (a circle "over-lap" system) that is based on a "geometric rate of contraction"
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
- 555) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
- definition - ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS (a-si-met-trik-cal
gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that
deals with the properties of inverse or opposing shapes (asymmetrical
shapes) that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances
of flat circles and round spheres to determine their fractional
relationship to the number one. - (May 5th, 2024)
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance - 111) - explains
how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be
used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi" - 222) - the
geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being
"over-lapped") is based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of
the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the
circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc -
444) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of
*identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter) -
555) - one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up
(side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)] -
666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical)
shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)] - 777) -
at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that
is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid Structure"
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 4:48 PM 7/2/2024 -- DDDD)
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed
paralell to the (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid
Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid
circles) at the same over-all distance,
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that
is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid Structure"
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
- definition - ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS (a-si-met-trik-cal
gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that
deals with the properties of inverse or opposing shapes (asymmetrical
shapes) that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances
of flat circles and round spheres to determine their fractional
relationship to the number one. - (May 5th, 2024)
- definition - The Theory Of Equilateral Distance
- 111) - a theory that explains the mathematical concept of how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 222) - the geometric method of contraction (of the circles that are being
"over-lapped") is based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
- 333) - an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of
the same size, the amount of the over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the
circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, 1/8th, etc
- 444) - the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of
*identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter)
- 555) - one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up
(side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical)
shapes that are being created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 777) - at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that
is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) should reach a point in the "Grid Structure"
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance;
they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
- (fractional proportion of the *circumference) ... 9:49 AM 10/2/2024 -- EEEE)
- 111) - explains
how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be
used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 111) - a theory that explains the mathematical concept of how a circle that is being over-lapped in a geometric rate of contraction
(in a grid system of circles that have the same size *diameter) can be
used to discover the *new mathematical formula for "Pi"
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical)
shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- 666) - and the other row should be *circles that are being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical)
shapes that are being created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
- ppppppppppppp - copy of text // start of
*** - based on two rows of 100 circles (circles that have the same size *diameter),
// - 888) - one of the rows should be 100 full *circles that are being lined up
(side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)]
// - 999) - and the other row should be 100 *circles that are being over-lapped,
the distance spanned by (or the size of) the "over-lap" is based on a *fraction of the
circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)]
// the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the
circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc - 7:09 PM 12/2/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "WHAT IF THAT DON'T WORK?", ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "THEN WE WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER
(fractional proportion of the *circumference) // MAYBE WE TRY AN (OVER-LAP) THAT IS BASED ON 1/7th THE
*CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE, and so on and so forth, // OR PERHAPS WE CAN TRY (one
of the primary numbers?)", ...
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "have you made any progress in writing
THE *MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FORMULA FOR "PI" (that will be based on a two dimensional "structure"
like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere), ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife thought about this for many
long moments, then said, "no, i have not", Razielle then said, "I AM GOING
a "geometric fraction" that is contained within a "multi-dimensional"
structure like (a *flat circle) or (a *round sphere), ...
- ppppppppppppp - finish of / copy of text
- The new branch of mathematics: Asymmetrical Geometrics - (a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks)
- adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of
inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes)
that are based on a (fractional proportion of the *circumference) of a circle which can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of *flat circles and *round spheres to determine their
(fractional relationship) to the mathematical formula of "Pi" - (June 16th, 2024)
- The new branch of mathematics: Asymmetrical Geometrics - (a-si-met-trik-cal gee-o-met-triks) - adj. (Mathematics) - 1) the branch
of mathematics that deals with the properties of inverse or opposing geometric shapes (asymmetrical shapes)
that can be used to measure the linear (straight line) distances of
two dimensional "structures" like *flat circles or three dimensional "structures" like *round spheres
to determine their (fractional relationship) to whole numbers or to mathematical formulas. - (June 16th, 2024)
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres,
the *identically shaped objects (the circles that have the *same size diameter) have a *set measurement,
even when the order of (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes) has been *altered or *changed,
the distance that they represent is the *same distance,
it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding of this concept
to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= start of / archive text - 5:41 PM 1/19/2024
- Erin, the Goddess of Fortune said, "that is correct, it is the same distance, and that is
the Theory Of Equilateral Distance and the Secret Of The Golden Spheres", she then said, "even
though the *appearance of the *identically shaped objects (the half-circles) that you *placed
(in a grid structure of half-circles that were the same size) appeared to be different,
/ because you *altered or *changed the order of the half-circles (the inverse or opposing symmetrical shapes),
/ the distance that they represented was the *same distance,
/ in a future time it might be *discovered that,
/ bb / the correct mathematical solution for "PI" would be *contained somewhere in a "Three Dimensional Grid Structure",
and it should be possible to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between
the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
/ cc / an (over-lap circle) is a circle that over-laps another circle of the same size based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle)
such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ dd / the primary "Grid Structure" should consist of two rows of *identically shaped objects (circles that have the *same size diameter),
/ ee / one of the rows should be full *circles that are being lined up (side to side), these *circles are called the (primary grid circles),
/ ff / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", these *circles are called the (over-lap circles),
/ gg / the row of "over-lapped" circles (the row of "asymmetrical shapes")
should be *placed paralell to the row of (primary grid circles) that are being lined up (side to side) in the grid system,
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal"
should reach a point in the "Grid Structure" where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ it was your father (Polytechnus), who told me that you could use the *understanding
of this concept to *find the correct mathematical formula for "Pi", he then told me something strange that i never quite understood", ...
============= end of / archive text
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 33
- "the number of (objects) that are contained within the *circumference
of a circle or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *circumference of the circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions)
can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
that is based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:45 PM 2/15/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 44
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these *circles are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up with one of the (primary grid circles) at *exactly the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 5:01 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 55
- "the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for
or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have the *same size diameter],
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 7:36 PM 2/16/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 66
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within
the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can be *determined
by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/4th or 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th, etc
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
(that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance) - 4:13 PM 2/18/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 77
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc / at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:34 PM 2/21/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 88
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:08 PM 2/23/2024
*** - / select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
------------------ ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRICS - 99
- "the (ratio or relationship) of the *Circumference of the circle to the *Diameter of the same circle
/ that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained within the *Circumference of the circle
/ can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
so that they will come out to a (different distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 3:26 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction",
these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that they will *measure out to a (shorter distance) then the full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:53 PM 3/1/2024
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained
within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *fraction of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 1:03 AM 3/2/2024
- / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
- / the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes of the (over-lap circles) are based on a *fraction of (the circumference
of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fraction of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 12:17 PM 3/2/2024
- / "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 11:24 PM 4/15/2024
- / select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance)
- (that is the *fraction that you are looking for) - 1:18 PM 5/26/2024
- / at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
- / edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance) - (that is the *fraction that you are looking for)
- "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
and the *Circumference of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
/ one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles are called the (primary grid circles)],
/ and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction", which means that the *distance
that they "span" will be (shorter) than an equal number of full *circles that are being lined up (side to side),
/ the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction
of the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)],
/ "identically shaped objects" [all of the *circles that were used in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter]
/ the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 8:42 AM 10/2/2024
- FF - "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
- GG - "the *ratio of the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle and its (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter
and the *Circumference of the same circle can be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of circles that have the *same size diameter,
- FF / at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge (or) line to line, / the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be equal;
the over-all distance of the two rows of circles will be the same; they will have an *equilateral distance)
- (that is the *fraction that you are looking for) - 1:18 PM 5/26/2024
- GG / at some point, one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed in a row that is paralell to the row of (primary grid circles)
should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance,
/ edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance) - 8:42 AM 10/2/2024
- COPY OF TEXT - / select only one (fractional proportion of the *circumference) to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles
in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
- "WHAT IF A 1/8th FRACTIONAL PROPORTION of the *circumference DON'T WORK mr. moto?", ..
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER (fractional proportion of the *circumference)
and so on and so forth, MAYBE YOU CAN TRY (one of the primary numbers?)", ...
- "the (LINEAR DISTANCE) of (the *Diameter of a circle) has a direct (geometric relationship) to the (CIRCULAR DISTANCE)
of (the *Circumference of a circle) because the two dimensional structures that are contained with-in a flat circle
(the *circumference and the *diameter) are both (A PART OF THE SAME CIRCLE)" ... - Unquote
- "if you shall *ever forget that "singular" concept, then the path or way forward will be *lost forever", ... 5:05 PM 5/28/2024
- Why?, because the (Fractional Equivalent) would not be the same for the two "fractions" - /1/ - one of the fractions
is a standard "Mathematical Fraction" that is based on the number one (or has a direct *relationship to the number one), - /2/ - and the other fraction
is a "Geometric Fraction" that is based on the *circumference of a circle (a circular "structure" that spans two dimensions),
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one
(a fraction that has a *fractional value that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one")
// is *different from (is not the same thing as) //
the "Geometric Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere
(because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents Pi? - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- Hint: #1 - an odd or even number of spacial *objects that are floating in (the circumference) of the circle, ...
- Hint: #2 - (a *group of spacial objects) that are "floating independently" from any "fixed point" on the *circumference a circle, ..
*** - /2/ - "floating independently" means not starting at any *particular spot on (the circumference), ...
- Hint: #3 - (a *group of spacial objects that have no starting point on the *circumference), ...
*** - a *group of spacial objects that represent a (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle, the (geometric fraction)
that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle, ...
- Hint: #4 - the number of spacial objects that are *floating within or that are *contained within (the circumference) of the circle
is *determined by the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, ..
- Hint: #5 - the odd or even *number of spacial objects that appear in the *circumference of the circle can be modified (made *larger or *smaller)
by increasing or decreasing the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is being used, such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- Hint: #6 - the *circumference has a (direct relationship) to the *diameter because they are a part of the (same circle)
/ but we are not looking for the *length of the Diameter because that can be measured in a (straight line), ..
- Hint: #7 - because what you are looking for is the (geometric fraction) that is contained within a circle,
the (geometric fraction) that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle,
the (linear distance) of the *Diameter has a (geometric relationship) to the *Circumference and that is the fractional *value that
represents "Pi" - 8:37 PM 2/22/2024
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said,
- /1/ - "there are two dimensional structures contained with-in a flat circle (a *circumference and a *diameter)
- /2/ - "Pi" can be *found by using a (grid structure) that consist of two rows of "identically shaped objects" [circles that have *same size diameter]
- /3/ - the *circle over-lap used is based on a *fraction of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Do you mean that the "number" of objects in (the *circumference of a circle) have an *equal spacing,
and that can help us determine the (geometric relationship) of the *circumference to the *diameter MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "the *ratio
of the (geometric fraction) that you are looking for or the *spacing of the "objects" that are contained
within the *Circumference of the circle and their (geometric relationship) to the *Diameter of the same circle can
be *determined by using a GRID STRUCTURE that consists of two rows of ("identically shaped objects") circles that have
the *same size diameter, / one of the rows should be full *circles that are lined up (side to side), [these *circles
are called the (primary grid circles)], / and the other row should be *circles that are *being over-lapped in
a "geometric rate of contraction", these inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes are based on a *part or *portion of
the circumference [these *circles are called the (over-lap circles)], / the *circle over-lap is based on a *fraction
of (the circumference of the circle), such as 1/5th or 1/6th or 1/7th or 1/8th, etc
/ select and use only *one fractional size to use, such as 1/8th, then "over-lap" all circles in the (over-lap) row by 1/8th
/ at some point, one of the (over-lap
circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point in the GRID STRUCTURE where it lines up *exactly
with one of the (primary grid circles) at the same over-all distance, (that will be the *ratio of the *fraction that you
are looking for), edge to edge /or/ line to line, (they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same
distance; an *equilateral distance)
- To which Polytechnus had replied, "i only needed the exact distance of the *Diameter and of the *Circumference to
make my *mathematical calculations, i have re-written the *old formula, and re-named it "Circumference-D",
where the relationship of the Circumference to the Diameter would represent one *true circle", .. =============
============= Copy Of Text:
- /4/ - "the inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) shapes that were created by the "over-lap" are based on a *fraction of the circumference,
they can be used to *determine the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle and the *Diameter of the same circle"
- /5/ - (that will be the *ratio of the "geometric fraction" that you are looking for) - 11:06 PM 2/22/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "Well, what about the "geometric rate of contraction", when does that come into play MR. MOTO?" ...
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "well, it might sound silly, but,
/111/ the "geometric rate of contraction" part is where you have *one circle, then you "over-lap" it with another circle to create an "asymmetrical shape",
/ now you have *two circles that form an "asymmetrical shape", then you "over-lap" that "asymmetrical shape" with a third circle,
/ and so on and so forth, to create a row of "asymmetrical shapes", /222/ and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
/ because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been lined up (side to side),
/ you should be able to use this "mathematical concept" to *find the correct formula for "Pi", ..
- / because the three *circles that are being over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction" come out to a different distance,
- / the three *circles that are being "over-lapped" sideways are *expanding at a "different rate" then the "three" full circles are,
- / then you "over-lap" the second circle with a third circle, and so on and so forth, to form a row of "over-lapped" circles,
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "even though all of the *circles in this mathematical formula have the *same size diameter",
/ it would not effect the (fractional proportion of the *circumference) that is used,
/ to find the "Geometric Fraction" that represents the (geometric relationship) between the *Circumference of the circle
and the *Diameter of the circle - 3:49 PM 2/23/2024
- / and because the three *circles that were over-lapped in a "geometric rate of contraction"
don't come out to the exact (same distance) as "three" full circles that have been placed (side to side), - 11:46 PM 4/4/2024
============= Copy Of Text:
- Setting aside the numerical *relationship of a "geometric fraction" that is contained with-in a "dimensional structure"
(like a *flat circle or a *round sphere) to the number one ("1"), because it would not apply, why?, because only "mathematical fractions"
are based on the number one (or have a direct *relationship to the number one), they are "different" from the "geometrical fractions"
that are found in a two ("2") dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three ("3") dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere, ..
- /3/ - a "Mathematical Fraction" is a fraction that is based on the number one (a fraction that has a *fractional value
that is smaller than the *fractional value of the number one") // is *different from (is not the same thing as) // the "Geometric
Fractions" that are found in a two dimensional "structure" like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round
sphere (because those fractions have a *fractional value that is greater than the *fractional value of the number one") - 4:18 PM - 12/7/2023
- (where the *fractional value of the number one is a *solid or *whole number) - (or seven over seven equals one whole)
============= Copy Of Text:
- /555/ - one of the (over-lap circles) that are being *placed on the "horizontal" should reach a point IN THE GRID STRUCTURE
where it lines up *exactly with one of the (primary grid circles), edge to edge /or/ line to line,
(they will line up at an equal distance; they will line up at the same distance; an *equilateral distance)
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "WHAT IF THAT DON'T WORK?", ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife said, "THEN WE WILL HAVE TO TRY ANOTHER
(fractional proportion of the *circumference) // MAYBE WE TRY AN (OVER-LAP) THAT IS BASED ON 1/7th THE
*CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE, and so on and so forth, // OR PERHAPS WE CAN TRY (one
of the primary numbers?)", ...
- Chronos, the god of Time said, "have you made any progress in writing
THE *MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FORMULA FOR "PI" (that will be based on a two dimensional "structure"
like a *flat circle or a three dimensional "structure" like a *round sphere), ..
- Razielle, the god of the Afterlife thought about this for many
long moments, then said, "no, i have not", Razielle then said, "I AM GOING
a "geometric fraction" that is contained within a "multi-dimensional"
structure like (a *flat circle) or (a *round sphere), ...
- Mathematical Quest: "you can use your *knowledge of algebra, geometry and this
math essay that explains the concept of how geometric shapes
that are inverse or opposing (asymmetrical) can be used to measure the
linear (straight line) distances of flat circles and round spheres
to find the Geometric Fraction that represents "Pi"
/ you can be part of the quest to find the correct solution for the mathematical formula of Pi
/ a Mathematical Road Map?
/ a Quest Knight?
/ an *ancient wizard sets forth a task, who among you will be able to draw forth "The Sword From The Stone"
/ will you be the one to find the Geometric Fraction that represents Pi? - (Earn 1 Raccoon Badge!)
- "and now, the *time has come for all good boys and girls to go
to sleep, for this is the end of the story"
- (the end, of *this
bed-time story)
-- a "hug" and a "kiss", before getting tucked in,
and then soft foot-steps walking away, then darkness, --
- This math essay / math project was written by Roberto S. Jimenez