

- This story was written for "The Pantheon Of American Gods And Goddesses" and is set forth as part of the basic hierarchy and structure there-of, this "story" appears here by permission of the author.



- a "World Empire" that extended to the many lands of the north, there were many Atlantian Queendoms as far as the slopes of Caucasus, there were many Atlantian Queendoms in the conquered lands of Thrace and south to the mountain regions of Scythia, the Atlantian Queendoms extended to all lands to the left bank of the Danube.

- Laviatha, the Goddess of Life would one day set off on a brave journey that would span the vast reaches of the known and un-known Universe, there-in to begin her journey to return to the "Spirit Realm", breaching the barrier, her journey leads to the Great Sanctuary, there to seek the presence of the "One" - Laviatha, the Goddess of Life re-traces the journeys (the ancient footsteps) of the "One" as she travels through the dimensions of time and space, to retrieve items, stone tablets, powerful weapons and ancient scrolls, along the way, she battles monsters and learns about the "unified" dna code by seeking out the markers and clues of "Creation", to guide her forth on that journey and quest, Razielle the God of the Afterlife (the "One") would set forth the "ancient scrolls", stories that chronicle his journeys and adventures across the Universe", ...


Chapter 02 (lost scroll)

- lost scroll # C-02 - THE STORY OF ATLANTIS


- what happens - ==== === ==== == ===

- what happens - THEY MEET ATHENA (the goddess of WISDOM) AT THE CITADEL









THE STORY OF ATLANTIS (the lost scroll)

TODAY'S DATE: 06.20.2017


- (A) - High over-head, Razielle (the God of the Afterlife) considers that which once was, the remnants of "roads" now below sea-level, the traces of ruptures "show" the projections of Europe And Africa upon the eastern shores of North and South America.

- (B) - The "cataclysm" of Atlantis, there the capital city was located on the Island of Santorini (a caldera; a broad crater-like basin of a volcano), a massive eruption and the tectonic plate was cracked, now the western Islands of "Atlantis" drift away to become "THE NEW WORLD".

- (C) - That parts or pieces of the eastern coast of the UNITED STATES and the eastern coast of BRAZIL formed what was believed to be the outer-ring of the Islands (massive Islands) that encompassed the central Island of Atlantis - (considered to be Islands as they were not part of the main continent)

- (D) - "The "Americas" are the western half of what was once known as "Atlantis", ..

- (D) - (an Island that was larger than Libya and Asia Minor combined)

- (E) - Clarissa asked Razielle, "how long ago did the event occur?", ..

- (E) - Razielle said, "find the "rate of speed" at which North and South America is/are drifting away from Europe And Africa", ...

- (F) - The central Island of "Santorini" explodes, plumes of ash and pyroclastic waves span for thousands of miles in every direction

- (F) - After the curse of the continent (the cataclysm), the last just ruler of Atlantis tried to maintain rule over the remnants of the "Atlantian Empire".

- (G) - Devastated by the pyroclastic destruction there was little food to feed the millions of people that were left behind (starvation led to cannibalism) - (no ships meant no trade with distant sea-ports where millions of people in distant lands suffered the same fate)

- (H) - The hundreds of Pyramids of the devastated world-wide Atlantian Empire would remain as reminders of that which once was long ago, ..

- (I) - The capital city of the Atlantian Empire was an Island (the Island of Santorini)

- (I) - After the capital or central city of Atlantis "blew up" the pyroclastic wave spread out-ward in all directions for thousands of miles

- (J) - "Some historical evidence still remains of Cities that bear the remnants of melted and/or super-heated glass crystaline shards", ..

- (K) -



THE STORY OF ATLANTIS (the lost scroll)

TODAY'S DATE: 11.20.2017


- "translations of inscriptions; the seven emerald tablets"

- ################ - "The History Of Atlantis"

- (AA) - the "AMAZON WOMEN" were the "military forces" of the ATLANTEAN EMPIRE (they were know as the "Atlante")

- (BB) - they fought and conquered the THRACIANS who were brought in chains to the CAPITAL CITY OF ATLANTIS (the Island Of Santorini)

- (CC) - that ENTIRE ARMIES OF MALE WARRIORS were defeated and enslaved by the AMAZON WOMEN, the THRACIANS were captured by the thousands and sent to work in THE VAST COPPER MINES of the NORTHERN LANDS, "Natalia, the Queen of Atlantis" would send many thousands more to work in the mines beneath THE GREAT CAPITAL (that was located on the ISLAND OF SANTORINI)

- (DD) - that peoples that were known as THE THRACIANS (that lived in the cold climate of the northern lands) were enslaved and made to work in the mines below Atlantis, to collect a special material of name lost to the dust of time (a heavy type of metal; to coat every surface of the beautiful *spires high above), there was also a massive pyramid in the center of the ISLAND FORTRESS, here, ANNATOLLIA, the EMPRESS OF THE PANGEAN CONTINENT would hold court, the dozens of QUEENS under her command ruled over many lands, of the CENTRAL PEOPLE would be known as the ATLANTE, her many *minion QUEENS would control vast armies of AMAZON WOMEN (of known or from a VAST RIVER, of greater out-flow than all other rivers world-wide combined, "THE AMAZON RIVER" (or of tales or legends of long ago, "THE AMAZONIUS RIVER") - (the river had no other name), ...


- (DD) - ON THE "SOUTH AMERICAN" CONTINENT TO THE NATIVE PEOPLES SHE WAS KNOWN AS "NATALIA, THE QUEEN OF ATLANTIS", (in ancient times the modern title of EMPRESS was un-known; a royal or imperial title designating the ruler of many nations or lands; queendoms) --

- (DD) - at birth she was styled as "ANNATOLLIA, the ROYAL EMPRESS OF PANGEA", the sovereign ruler of the first "WORLD EMPIRE", of more modern times scholars and scientist would discover the remnants of the "ATLANTEAN EMPIRE", ... (her name meant island queen)

- (DD) - THE PANGEAN CONTINENT (Pangea) - "the CAPITAL CITY was known as ATLANTIS, and there-in the peoples of these many lands and queendoms were known as the ATLANTE, the many REGIONAL QUEENS were amazon women that served as military generals and rulers of the vast and immense Empire that spanned many lands", ..

- (DD) - OF GOLDEN PYRAMIDS (of kind or same), ALL BUILT LONG AGO, REMNANTS OF A LOST CIVILIZATION (a "world-empire" of once long ago), ...

- (DD) - "Razielle sets down his pen, the light flickers and goes out", ..


- (EE) - THE SARGASSO SEA - in ancient times it was known as the SEA OF SARGASSO, in modern times it became the ATLANTIC OCEAN, -- "on their way to spawn "fresh-water" eels from many lands travel to a place of once long ago", ...

- (EE) - "each year, fresh-water eels from the coast of "Africa" and the coast of "South America" travel to the same breeding-grounds, there, in the deep blue waters beneath the sea", .. THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE?

- (EE) - "of this, a large body of water, "AN INTER-COASTAL WATER-WAY?", in time as THE CONTINENTS DRIFTED APART, the ATLANTIC OCEAN was then formed

- (EE) - "there, the massive inter-coastal water-way that was once known as THE SARGASSO RIVER, for each year "fresh-water" eel would migrate down-stream from the many IN-LAND RIVERS to spawn"

- (EE) - EMERALD TABLET #? -- "fresh-water eels swim by on their way to some un-known destination, the "crystal gem" that one does seek lies hidden there"


- (FF) - the ATLANTEAN EMPIRE SPANNED MOST OF THE "KNOWN" WORLD (the PANGEAN SUPER-CONTINENT; which expanded as continents drifted out-ward)

- (FF) - "there was "one" QUEEN OF ATLANTIS that ruled over many AMAZON QUEENS who served as MILITARY COMMANDERS and rulers over the many distant REGIONS AND LANDS of the first WORLD EMPIRE ... "THE EMPIRE OF ATLANTIS" ... "THE ATLANTEAN EMPIRE" ...

- (FF) - the ATLANTEAN EMPIRE was a "WORLD EMPIRE" that was ruled over BY WOMEN, the many REGIONS OR LANDS of the ATLANTEAN EMPIRE were ruled over by NATALIA (empress of the world-empire; Pangea), serving as MILITARY GENERALS (women warriors), THERE WERE MANY "AMAZON QUEENS",



- (GG) - "they conducted their own government; they were ruled by a CENTRAL QUEEN (an EMPRESS), the young girls were trained to be great warriors on the field of battle, young boys and men were used only as "man-servants" and for most menial jobs", ...

- (GG) - they were known as the AMAZON WOMEN because the AMAZON RIVER (or AMAZONIUS) was "known of" in ancient times BUT IT'S LOCATION WAS IN "SOUTH AMERICA" which in modern times would be re-discovered and be part of THE NEW WORLD,

- (HH) - AMAZON WOMEN were trained to use bow and spear with equal skill, some trimmed one breast as to be unencumbered during battle when using Long Bows", ...


- (II) - the "top" of THE LAND BRIDGE that was between CUBA and the ISLAND OF SANTORINI is still visible, (the top of the bridge can be seen on the ocean floor) - THE BIMINI ROAD?

- (II) - UNDER-WATER CITY WITH PYRAMIDS? - the bimini road, a SEA-BRIDGE that extended from SOUTH AMERICA to the ISLAND OF SANTORINI (Atlantis)

- (II) - EMERALD TABLET #? -- (there, below the waves near the base of the bridge arch-ways that once held the span, there will be found the secret entry-way to the grotto where one would find?", ..


- (JJ) - AFTER THE CURSE OF THE CONTINENT (the cataclysm; the explosion at Santorini), one of the last QUEENS OF ATLANTIS, ARMANE built an UNDER-GROUND LABYRINTH OF TEMPLES AND TOMBS -- the last remnants of what once was would lie in wait until the future time, to await the arrival of one, ...

- (JJ) - SANTORINI ERUPTS - "the ambient temperature world-wide increases by several or more degrees, long enough to melt the "ice" at both polar caps, (sea levels begin to rise) - (of many structures or sunken pyramids now lay submerged) - (of shifting plates or un-known geo-thermal events, some areas remain submerged, of there the ancient legend said that one day, "Atlantis would rise from the Sea")

- (JJ) - THE SUNKEN PYRAMIDS - "there, off the coast of CUBA one would find remnants of PYRAMIDS OF THE ATLANTEAN EMPIRE

- (KK) - "the ship sets sail, of many days journey, there, on the horizon THE CITY OF ATLANTIS, shining there in the morning light a GOLDEN PYRAMID, the colors or tones of shades of hue, there the material that coats the surface glows as it captures the light, the truth of what once was would one day be known, "all would stand in judgement before One", .. - ("THE LOST CITY OF GOLD?"), ....

- (LL) -


- (AAA) - "the stories and legends of THE ATLANTEAN EMPIRE "pre-date" all other known "historical records", ..

- (BBB) - "the Egyptian Hieroglyphs" and the "Great Library Of Alexandria" contained the only known "Historical Records" of events that occurred in ancient times", ..


- (CCC) - the HEIROGLYPHS in IOWA and EGYPT contain the "same symbols", - (_matching hieroglyphs_) - (pictographs or iconology; images) - (various cutiform tablets or sanskrit symbols would need to be "authenticated" by some-one?; but who?) - (including mathematical symbols written vertically that were found with-in the GREAT PYRAMID) - (the meaning would only be "known" by One; or the translation could only be "read" by One, strange thing; what was written there would already be known; but why?)

- (DDD) - "when SANTORINI ERUPTED the ATLANTEAN CIVILIZATION collapsed, cannibalism and famine destroyed the remnants of the "WORLD EMPIRE" that once was" - (the LORD SOVEREIGN, the vestige or image of what once was looks upon the destruction; "much has changed")


- (EEE) - "the ship sets sail, of many days journey, there, on the horizon THE CITY OF ATLANTIS, of shining there in the morning light a GOLDEN PYRAMID, the colors or tones of shades of hue, there the material that coats the surface glows as it captures the light, the truth of what once was would one day be known, "all would stand in judgement before One", .. - ("THE LOST CITY OF GOLD?"), ....

- (EEE) - "a GOLDEN PYRAMID with-in the CAPITAL CITY (Atlantis); a SPIRAL PYRAMID, if un-wound or un-raveled it looked like a "GIANT TRI-ANGLE" - (or one half the distance of a CONCENTRIC PYRAMID from the center left)

- (EEE) - over "one mile" in height this tower was visible in many distant lands, this was the ISLAND FORTRESS of the HIGH QUEEN (the Empress Of Pangea; The Atlantian Empire), in future times it would be called a TRON TOWER, - (of structural or lateral re-distribution of weight or load (this sky-scraper) this "building" could not "fall over", because it was already laying on its side)

- (EEE) - Question. - but why a "Spiral Pyramid" shape? - Answer. - "because the Progenitor was of spiral shell (not flat like a Nautilus), she was a "Snail" like creature, of long before "The Progenitor" had set forth on an ancient Quest, by osmosis she collected "set by set" and "pair by pair" each set of the *genes that would be included with-in the UNIFIED GENETIC DNA CODE, of all that would be contained with-in the ARC; (to span; to go over; a way across; a bridge), she binds each with a "Tri-Lateral" key or lock, then, drawing forth a deep breath she continued on her journey, ...

- (EEE) - "The Progenitor" was of spiral shell (not flat like a Nautilus), she was a "Snail" like creature, her Journey of once long ago would only be known by One, of 800 Moons she travels across the vast waste-land, beneath the blue filtered waters she follows a Shimmering Star (a blue star) that appears each day in the "night-time" sky, .. (a star that un-locks the key)

- (EEE) - "she journeys to a place of long ago (an ancient grotto where sea-creatures were sheltered and fed), the "Three Fates" journey to meet her there, they kneel before the "Progenitor", Chronos (the God Of Time) sets forth a "green emerald" to mark the time, of three hundred thousand years would pass, the "immortal goddess" kneels before the Sovereign Lord, his promise of eternal life would be kept, now, the covenant (the agreement with the Creator) would remain un-broken", ...


- (FFF) - Tyehoken (an Ancient Wizard) rinses an ASYMMETRICAL SHELL with sea-water to remove the sand, he lays it flat beneath the LUNAR TIDES, a sphere or ball of dis-similar water forms above the shell and rotates slowly, a small creature; of kind or same enters the sphere of water; it is impregnated with some-thing, but what? - (perhaps an old sailor, an old sea salt would know what?) - "a shell with a geometric expansion (a nautilus shell); but not to signify a genetic evolution; it was a structure designed to create an (effect) with-in a water environment; but why?", ...


- (GGG) - the WATER-NATION of "ATLANTIS" was to be located ON THE EQUATOR half-way between SOUTH AMERICA and AFRICA - (Brazil, South America and Gabon, Africa) - (construction is to begin in July, 2018) - (many "floating piers" and "boat docks" will be needed to build the Marinas and Ports)

- (GGG) - the WATER-NATION of "AQUATANNIA" was to be located ON THE EQUATOR half-way between INDONESIA and SOUTH AMERICA - (New Guinea, Indonesia and Equador, South America) - (construction is to begin in July, 2018) - (many "floating piers" and "boat docks" will be needed to build the Marinas and Ports)

- (GGG) - "to rise from the sea; Atlantis, a water-nation shall be located on the Equator, on what was once known long ago as the "Sea Of Sargasso" - (that in modern times became the Atlantic Ocean)

- (GGG) - "of those that would worship or pray in her "Temple" would be known as "Laviathans"; there in the pristine blue waters could be found the "Church Of Laviatha", .. - (of codecs or bibles; the "first testament")


- (HHH) - "there, two massive water-hydras stand on either side of the goddess, they raise their arms sky-ward to the heavens, the immortal goddess looks forward to the new time and the new age, now, her off-spring would go forth to the ends of the Universe", ..

- (HHH) - "of eight hundred full moons (ancient years) she searches the far reaches of the vast waste-land, there collecting all parts or pieces of that which was and that which may never be *again, her quest, to *create the unified genetic dna code, of *spiral shell that was not so straight or linear (not flat) she treks into the vast un-known, of having abilities and wave-forms that spanned dozens of the un-known laws of genetics the ancient *goddess uses osmosis to bond with each new life-form she en-countered, of two by two she collects all bio-metric data that would be contained with-in the *arc, now, this *covenant with the Lord would remain un-broken, her journey and quest would one day be known, to combine all that was into "One", now her *progeny would go forth to the edges of the Universe, to travel forth in *stone ships, to go forth to the heavens and the stars, to fulfill the ancient prophecy of Atlantis, of the *ancient legend that was *known only by One, "they flew to the stars in stone ships", ...

- (HHH) - "she hugs and kisses each youngling, then turns and waving fare-well begins the long journey home", ..


- (HHH) - Priscilla (the Goddess of Prophecy) looks into the soft luminous eyes of Razielle (the god of the Afterlife), she said, "there are those that will not be happy with this revelation, they will seek to change or alter events that occurred long ago, to re-write history, to claim that these events never happened", ..

- (HHH) - Razielle (the god of the Afterlife) places his arms around Priscilla (the Goddess of Prophecy) and said, "they cannot stop the passage of time, of these things were known unto one long ago, now, in this future time the legacy of her journey shall become known and revealed to mankind, the children of the Lord must now go forth to every mountain and hill-side to find the truth that lies hidden there", ..

- (HHH) - note: of "shell fossils" or "sea shells"; the rise and fall of water-worlds has *gone on for "millenia" and shall continue, ...

- (HHH) - note: in ancient times the measurement of a person's lifespan was done by full moons - (one month was equal to one year)

- (HHH) - "of eight hundred moons (months) she searches the far reaches of the vast waste-land, there collecting all parts or pieces", ...


- (III) -

- (JJJ) -

The Empire Of Atlantis

- a "World Empire" that extended to many lands, to the north there were many Atlantian Queendoms as far as the slopes of Caucasus, to the many lands of Thrace and south to the Atlantian Queendoms of Scythia, and all Atlantian Queendoms and lands to the left bank of the Danube.


- "and now, the time has come for all good boys and girls to go to sleep, for this is the end of the story"

- (the end, of this bed-time story)

-- a "hug" and a "kiss", before getting tucked in, and then soft foot-steps walking away, then darkness, --


- This story about "The History Of Atlantis" was written by Roberto S. Jimenez

- STORY TITLE: The Empire Of Atlantis (The Lost Scroll) - by Roberto S. Jimenez

